Complete list of all paid and free fonts tagged "icons"
Braille Extended Grid
Braille Extended Regular
Braille Extended Square
Bhelt Dingbats
Bhelt Vol01
Bhelt Vol02
Bhelt Vol03
High Cruiser Dingbats Regular
Lizards Regular
Hoder Regular
Intellecta Monograms Triple AAA-AYM
Intellecta Monograms Triple BBAEMB
Intellecta Monograms Triple EEIFEJ
Intellecta Monograms Special Series Regular
Intellecta Monograms Soft YAZT
Intellecta Monograms Soft YOYZ
Intellecta Monograms Soft YZZZ
Intellecta Monograms Soft ZAZZ
Intellecta Monograms New Series AHNewSeries
Intellecta Monograms New Series AIAZNewSeries
Intellecta Monograms New Series APBGNewSeries
Intellecta Monograms New Series BDBONewSeries
Intellecta Monograms New Series BHBZNewSeries
Intellecta Monograms New Series CACVNewSeries
Intellecta Monograms New Series DADRNewSeries
Intellecta Monograms New Series ELEZNewSeries
Intellecta Monograms New Series MMNRNewSeries
Intellecta Monograms New Series NewSeriesFAFZ
Intellecta Monograms New Series NewSeriesEBEU
Intellecta Monograms AAAS
Intellecta Monograms AFVW-CCAA
Intellecta Monograms ATBM
Intellecta Monograms BACE
Intellecta Monograms BNCH
Intellecta Monograms CAFI
Intellecta Monograms CBCZ
Intellecta Monograms CCEP
Intellecta Monograms CICZ
Intellecta Monograms DADZ
Intellecta Monograms DDDP
Intellecta Monograms DQEM
Intellecta Monograms EAEZ
Intellecta Monograms ENFO
Intellecta Monograms FEGY
Intellecta Monograms FRGW
Intellecta Monograms GXIY
Intellecta Monograms IZKX
Intellecta Monograms KYOZ
Intellecta Monograms PPRZ
Intellecta Monograms Plus
Intellecta Monograms SSZZ