Complete list of all paid and free fonts tagged "antiqua"
IM Fell Double Pica Roman
IM Fell Double Pica Italic
Noto Serif TC Extra Light
Noto Serif TC Light
Noto Serif TC Regular
Noto Serif TC Medium
Noto Serif TC SemiBold
Noto Serif TC Bold
Noto Serif TC Black
Fanwood Text Regular
Fanwood Text Italic
Alike Regular
IM Fell English Roman
IM Fell English Italic
Faustina Regular
Faustina Italic
Faustina Medium
Faustina Medium Italic
Faustina SemiBold
Faustina SemiBold Italic
Faustina Bold
Faustina Bold Italic
Aref Ruqaa Regular
Aref Ruqaa Bold
IM Fell DW Pica Roman
IM Fell DW Pica Italic
Headland One Regular
Fjord One Regular